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Scientific techniques to read a textbook fast

Today we will learn some scientific techniques to help you read a textbook in the right manner. I'm going to give you a step-by-step process of how to read a textbook effectively. I'm also gonna give you three bonus tips at the end. Now, these techniques are scientifically based on the science of how memory works. So, it doesn't matter which book you're reading or how old you are. These techniques are going to work for you. Now let's begin with how to read a textbook effectively and remember what you've read.

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Step number one
Know your goal: Take a strategic approach and know how you're going to be tested on this book. Is it MCQs or long answer type short answers or fill in the blanks? Knowing this before you begin reading helps. We take a big-picture approach to the book.
Step number two is called impress
Create the right first impression. Suppose a new girl has joined your school and you want to make friends with her. Chances are you're gonna ask people “hey who she? Where she comes from? Before you start making that first conversation with her. Similarly to create a good first impression on your memory you need to prime your brain. Maybe you want to read an overview of the content on the internet. Go through a video or a documentary become familiar before you dive in. Remember content is king but context is God.
Step number three is called systematic skimming
Now, when you begin to have that first conversation with this girl, chances are it's going to over around the bigger topics like with cities you've lived in. What do your parents do? How many siblings do you have? With school did you go to earlier? Etc., Similarly, act like this when you start reading that book for the first time. Now, that you've already made that good first impression, try making friends with the book. Skip the chapter and go over the points in bold. The blurbs and the headings and formulate a big picture in your mind,
Step number four is called associate
This is like sitting down with your book and reading the chapter from start to end. It's a bit like sitting down with your friend and having a long conversation with her. Now chances are you're going to associate some of the things you find out about her, for example, you may say she resembles my cousin or she likes chocolate cake, or just like my neighbor. Similarly, building associations with your text helps you remember it for a long time. For example, the date on which the war began was my dad's birthday or the character's name resembles my friends.
Step number five engages all your senses
Now imagine taking dozens and dozens of clothes and trying to hang them up on a wall on one single hook. Chances are some of them might stay and most of them are just gonna fall down. What we need is multiple hooks at different points on that wall likewise our brain is that wall and reading the book is the one hook on which we are trying to put all the information and hoping that it stays like that. We need to create multiple hooks in our brain and our senses are those multiple hooks. How do we develop a photogenic memory to help us recollect the entire text visually? I found that by trying to remember the corner of the page, the information appeared on it will help me recall it better. In the exams also think in pictures. The more groups or vivid the images are, the more likely we are to remember it. Make mind maps, charts, and diagrams. Maybe see videos and documentaries to sound. Sound will help us create new associations in a different part of the brain, so read out aloud especially the keywords. You must read them aloud, teach someone or discuss it with a classmate you know. 

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